Search Results for: immigration nationality

Three Cambodian activists arrested in Thailand will not be deported to their home country, deputy police chief Surachate Hakparn told Reuters on Wednesday. Hakparn said the detainees would be resettled in a third country but will “definitely” not be sent back to Cambodia. The announcement came during Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet’s visit to Bangkok, [...]


Ruslin Jusoh, Director-General of Malaysia’s Immigration Department, announced Thursday that 131 primarily Rohingya men from Myanmar escaped from the Bidor Immigration Detention Center in Perak, Malaysia, with one being killed. Perak police provided details of the incident, revealing that the fatal event occurred during a riot within the detention center when an escapee attempted to [...]


The House Committee on Homeland Security voted 18-15 to approve sending two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas early Wednesday morning after hours of hearings on the matter. The articles will now go to the House of Representatives floor for another vote. The articles allege that Mayorkas failed to comply with US [...]


Immigration is one of the hottest hot button issues going into the 2024 US presidential election. It has divided Americans, and the Republican party continues to go to extremes on the matter, with some 81% of GOP voters in the Iowa primary agreeing with former president Donald Trump’s description of immigrants as “poisoning the blood [...]


The Constitutional Council of France rejected on Thursday substantial portions of French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed immigration law reform package. The legislation, titled “Bill to Control Immigration and Enhance Integration,” was initially comprised of 86 articles and was referred before the council by the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly, and [...]


Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a statement asserting Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense on Wednesday as tensions with the Biden administration over security along the US southern border escalated. The statement specifically references Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution, which Abbott interpreted as granting Texas the authority to act autonomously against [...]


The US Supreme Court voted 5-4 on Monday to permit federal border patrol agents to cut the razor wire that Texas installed on the US-Mexico border. The Biden administration requested the decision to allow federal agents to access the border without facing tort claims from Texas. The urgency follows recent deaths at the border crossing [...]


In the lead-up to a highly-anticipated ruling from France’s Highest Constitutional Court that must be delivered before Thursday, hundreds of thousands gathered across the country to protest against President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed immigration law reform package. The reforms, supported by France’s far-right and Macron alike, seek to expand the power for authorities to deport non-citizens [...]